By: Jaclyn W. Hamlin, Esq.

Seyfarth Synopsis: A review and analysis of select NLRB cases decided by President Trump’s new appointee as Secretary of Labor and former NLRB Member Alexander Acosta.

With the withdrawal of Andrew Puzder from consideration for the Secretary of Labor vacancy on President Donald Trump’s cabinet, former NLRB Member Alexander Acosta

By: Howard M. Wexler, Esq.

On July 8, 2013, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Special Counsel for the Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (“DOJ”) announced ( that it entered into a memorandum of understanding (link to NLRB OSC MOU ) with the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), “that allows both agencies to share

By:  Joshua L. Ditelberg

Recently, the NLRB Acting General Counsel’s Division of Operations Management issued a memorandum to the Board’s Regional offices (OM 12-55) on how to address an employer’s attempt to litigate the work authorization status of an employee potentially eligible for backpay resulting from an unfair labor practice.

 The Supreme Court in Hoffman