By Jeffrey A. Berman and Candice T. Zee

In Triple Play Sports Bar & Grille, 361 NLRB No. 31 (2014), the National Labor Relations Board ruled that a Facebook discussion regarding an employer’s tax withholding calculations and an employee’s “like” of the discussion constituted concerted activities protected by the National Labor Relations Act (“Act”).

By: James C. Goodfellow, Esq.

In an Advice Memorandum written in 2012 and recently released pursuant to a FOIA request, the NLRB Associate General Counsel, Division of Advice, addressed the legality of a social media policy that prohibited employees from, among other things, “us[ing] any Company logo, trademark, or graphics, which are proprietary to

By Marc R. Jacobs, Esq.

           In Design Technology Group LLC d/b/a Bettie Page Clothing, 359 NLRB No. 96 (4/19/13), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) continued its aggressive efforts to regulate the workplace implications of social media in non-union workplaces.  In this decision, the NLRB: (a) determined that several employees had engaged in

By Arthur Telegen.

Well I know there has not been an election yet.  But talking about a Romney Board is a little boring.  Just read Brian Hayes’ dissenting opinions.  That’s what the Romney Board will do, when Romney gets around to having a Republican Board, which will not happen for a long time even

By Marshall  B. Babson.

As we’ve blogged about in an earlier post, Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon has issued the third in a series of “Reports” regarding social media policies, in which he addressed overly broad restrictions regarding confidentiality, standards of decorum on a website, fraternization with fellow employees, the airing grievances online,