By:  Kristen Verrastro, Esq.

The Supreme Court of the United States today dismissed as improvidently granted its original grant of certiorari in UNITE HERE Local 355 v. Mulhall (“Mulhall”).[1] As previously discussed on this blog by both Jeremy P. Sherman, Esq. and Bradford L. Livingston, Esq., the Supreme Court’s decision

By:  Jeremy P.  Sherman, Esq.

In one of the most anticipated labor relations cases in decades, the United States Supreme Court heard arguments today in Unite Here Local 355 v. Mulhall on whether pre-recognition agreements that assist union organizing efforts are illegal.

Factual Background

Martin Mulhall, an employee of Mardi Gras Gaming in Florida

By:  Bradford L. Livingston, Esq.

As I’ve commented on before in this blog, the hurdles unions face in organizing employees are demonstrated by decades of steadily-declining private sector unionization rates.  Traditional union organizing campaigns – where organizers try to convince employees to sign enough authorization cards to obtain an National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)