By:  Tiffany T. Tran, Esq. and Timothy M. Hoppe, Esq

Seyfarth Synopsis: On Friday, December 1, 2017, newly appointed NLRB General Counsel Peter Robb issued a memorandum containing a broad overview of his initial agenda as General Counsel. It previews many anticipated developments during the Trump Administration. Our blog is exploring a different

By: Adam J. Smiley, Esq.

Seyfarth Synopsis: NLRB General Counsel releases an Advice Memorandum finding that the misclassification of independent contractors amounts to a standalone violation of Section 8(a)(1) of the NLRA.

On August 26, 2016, Richard Griffin, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), released an Advice Memorandum outlining his legal

By:  Bradford L. Livingston, Esq.

On the eve of a new college football season, the referees at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) got it right on instant replay: they called off the game. In a ruling earlier today, the NLRB’s five Members unanimously declined to assert jurisdiction over Northwestern’s scholarship football athletes.  [

By:  Jeffrey A. Berman, Esq. & Nicholas R. Clements, Esq.

Until December 11, employers thought that they owned their email systems and so could limit their use to company business.  On that day, a divided National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”)  ruled “not so.”  In Purple Communications, 361 NLRB No. 126 (Dec. 11, 2014), the NLRB

By: Abigail Cahak

On December 11, 2013, graduate student assistants of New York University and the Polytechnic Institute of NYU became the only such unionized student assistants of a private university when they voted in favor of representation by two United Auto Worker locals.

The Long Road to Certification

The UAW’s efforts to represent NYU’s

By:  Kenneth R. Dolin

Given the current business trends toward flexible, non-traditional relationships, including the increasing use of “contract labor,” the ability to differentiate between employees and independent contractors is increasingly critical.  Questions surrounding the classification of independent contractors are particularly important in determining what rights, if any, the contractor or employee may have under