By: Howard M. Wexler, Esq.

Upon the heels of the Obama Administration’s announcement that implementation of the large employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) will be delayed until January 1, 2015 (discussed here), International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President James Hoffa, United Food and Commercial Workers International President Joseph Hansen, and

By: Ronald J. Kramer, Esq.

In an informal July 2nd blog post, a Treasury official announced that the Obama Administration will not be imposing penalties on employers who do not offer minimal affordable coverage in compliance with the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”)–the so-called employer mandate–in 2014. The promised follow-up IRS notice 2013-45 regarding this

By Christopher Busey

Recent developments surrounding the National Labor Relations Board have cast a pall over this federal agency. On Tuesday, President Obama announced three nominations to the NLRB in an attempt to rectify the situation. The President renominated current Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce and nominated two management-side attorneys, Philip A. Miscimarra and Harry I.

By:  Bradford L. Livingston

In Labor Management Relations, there has always been a fairly clear divide between management and labor.  And in that division, supervisors have consistently been considered part of management.  They schedule employees, discipline employees, give them assignments and instruction on what to do, and generally act as the employer’s frontline contact with