By: John Phillips and Ken Dolin

Seyfarth Synopsis: Reversing a Trump Board case, the Biden Board recently found that an employer engaged in bad-faith bargaining based on adhering to its bargaining proposals—despite (1) the employer engaging in no unlawful conduct away from the bargaining table, (2) not even one of the employer’s proposals being unlawful

By: Cary Burke and Olivia Jenkins

As labor watchers have come to expect over the past few years, the National Labor Relations Board saved some of its most consequential decisions for release in late December.  In a slew of rulings, the Board significantly broadened the categories of damages available to aggrieved employees, re-opened the door

By:  Bryan Bienias

This week, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals joined the Sixth Circuit in deferring to the NLRB’s Specialty Healthcare standard for determining appropriate bargaining units in union representation cases. The decision is yet another victory for unions seeking to quickly organize relatively small units of employees.

The case, FedEx Freight v. NLRB